Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart whose original name Johannes John Chrysostom Wolfgangus Gottlieb Mozart (born in Salzburg, January 27, 1756 - died in Vienna, Austria, December 5, 1791 at age 35 years) was a composer. He is regarded as one of the composers of European classical music's most important and most famous in history. His works (about 700 songs) including the spin-spin-widely recognized as the pinnacle work of symphonic music, chamber music, piano music, music opera, and choral music.
Mozart, who is known to have an absolute tuning capabilities (to know exactly the tone without the aid of equipment), know the music from birth. His father, Johann Georg Leopold Mozart was an important composer of his day, one of his most important is Kindersinfonie ("Children's Symphony"). Wolfgang was the youngest of seven children who died prematurely. Only he and Maria Anna Mozart ("Nannerl") who survive to adulthood. During a four-year-old, Mozart was able to play the harpsichord and improvise on musical works of his predecessors. He even wrote the first compositions at the age of five years. His works include the Violin Sonata, and a few minuet. Leopold collected all these compositions without the knowledge of his son. So it is with Nannerl, he also is a keyboard player who is very reliable. Leopold who discovered her talent both felt "compelled" to showcase them to all of Europe.
Mozart was now taken to playing the piano in front of the king of Bavaria in Munich. In September 1762, Leopold took a sabbatical from his position to promote his son to kings. They then went to Vienna. There Mozart playing the piano in front of Queen Maria Theresa who dazzled the game of skills and Nannerl Mozart. After this concert, Mozart must follow a fairly long concert for three years of Paris (1763, 1765) and London (1764-1765). In those places, Mozart held a concert in front of kings and also tested by them. Among others with improvise on themes that are given by the examiner with his eyes closed a piece of cloth. Welcomed as a child prodigy Mozart in all places. In London, he also met with the son of Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Christian Bach is often called as Home Bach. Mozart's piano sonatas in four hands in his lap while seated Bach.
Symphony-a symphony of Bach and Carl Friedrich Abel affect symphonies-Mozart's first symphony
In 1769, Mozart traveled to Italy. The result of this trip is quite good, very productive in the creation of Mozart's compositions. He composed the opera Mitridati, re at Ponto (1770) and Lucia Silla (1772) and both received great success in her show in Milan. Mozart symphony also creates a lot during this trip, and influenced the composers-Italian composers such as Sammartini. In Bologna, Mozart also learned Kontrapung on the most famous composition teacher at the time, Padre Martini.
In Vienna, Mozart heard the works of Joseph Haydn's latest and he was also friends with Michael Haydn (1737-1806), brother of Joseph Haydn. One of the important work of this period is K.183, Symphony No. 25 in G Minor (1773) and K. 201, Symphony in A Major (1774). At the same time in Salzburg, Bishop Segismundo died and was replaced by Hieronymous von Colloredo authoritarian and energetic. Upon his return from Italy, Mozart served as Maestro chapel in Salzburg.
Archbishop Colloredo that was not too interested in music, making Mozart was upset mainly because of his Mozart is often underestimated. To forget the feeling of resentment at Colloredo, Mozart became quite diligent work, he put his ability to the creation of various compositions. In the birthday-21, the number of compositions have reached three hundred pieces. Mozart in 1777 resigned from his post as Maestro and she began her career as a freelance musician in Vienna. On August 4, 1782 Mozart married Constanze in the cathedral St. Stephen. The next day, got a letter from Leopold Mozart whose contents condone their relationship even though the letter was a cold tone. Mozart Marriage quite happy even though they pretty much deal with life's challenges. Mozart was always in crisis money but he never lived in poverty, and of six children, only two were alive.
Mozart make a living by teaching three or four students a rich and play konsert-konsert in manor house in Vienna. In December 1781, Mozart performed at the Imperial Palace in an informal pelombaan with Muzio Clementi. They both make improvised individually and jointly play a sonata. Although Mozart is considered to win the race, but hopes to get a position at court is not satisfied.
On July 16, 1782, Mozart conducted the opera Die aus dem Serail entfuhrung. Opera is get applause from the public. Emperor Joseph II tells Mozart that opera tesebut have "a lot of tone" and Mozart replied "the number is exactly the right tone, Your Majesty." Even Gluck request was repeated opera performances.
In the same year, he often played regularly in house Prince Gottfried von Swieten. Swieten who are interested in Baroque music was influenced Mozart in the making of the composition. Mozart develop kontrapung styles in his music.
In 1784, Mozart became a member of the Freemasons, a union that supports the idea of brotherhood under God. Thanks to this union Mozart can borrow money at the time of his last symphony perlu.Simfoni-Mozart, Symphony No. 39, 40, and 41 'Jupiter' is not known for certain whether they were staged before Mozart died or not. In the spring of 1789, Mozart went to Berlin appeared as pianist in front of the Prince of Saxony in Dresden, he also played the organ at the Thomaskirche in Leipzig. He also played a private concert in front of Friedrich Wilhelm II, on his visit to Potsdam and Berlin. Wilhelm II asked him to make six piano quartets and six piano sonatas, which unfortunately did not get resolved by Mozart.Kembali to Vienna, Mozart staged opera, Die Zauberflote (Magic Flute "). Opera is a huge success, its libretto was written by Emanuel Schikaneder (1751-1812). After completion of this opera, Mozart received an order from Prince Franz von Walsegg to make a Requiem which intends to make such compositions as his work in memory of his dead wife. Mozart did not get to finish this great work and continued by his pupil, Franz Xaver Süssmayr. According to some sources, was unable to sing Mozart's Lacrimosa as part of this song was playing with his friends. From his music is dark, Franz Beyer commented, the album Requiem 'I can hear the sounds of Mozart, who speaks for his own benefit, with an urgent situation, like a child who was sick and saw her mother with great hopes and fears of separation'. Mozart also experienced fear of death. On December 5, 1791, Mozart died, one in the morning.
Mozart died causal never recorded clearly. The musicologist make some allegations of possible unknown why Mozart's grave is located.
1. Salieri poisoned Mozart, which is its rival. There are journals in Europe that says Salieri admit it before he died in his bed (1825), although there are other stories that oppose this.
2. At the funeral there is a snowstorm that Mozart family could not follow the funeral. This story was denied by the Vienna weather records.
3. Mozart's body was moved to another place because his family could not pay the cost of burial.
dikutip dari http://wikipedia.com/
Senin, 27 September 2010
Sebenernya apa sih arti SAHABAT?
Kenalan? Temen biasa? Temen sekelas? Temen maen?
Emang kadang" pertanyaan itu bikin kita bingung buat ngejawab.
Tapi sebenernya itu bisa kita jawab dengan mudah.
Sahabat itu bukan sekedar teman biasa" aja.
Temen tuh gampang kita dapetin.
1000 juga bisa kita temuin.
Tapi sahabat?
Mungkin kita cuman bisa nemuin 1 diantara 1000
Sahabat itu, seseorang yang menganggap kita lebih dari temen biasa.
Sahabat selalu dapat mengerti perasaan kita.
Sahabat selalu ada untuk kita, saat suka maupun duka.
Sahabat itu rela mendengarkan curhat kita, dan membuat merasa nyaman.
Sahabat dapat merasakan apa yang kita rasakan.
Sahabat bisa ngertiin posisi kita dalam suatu permasalahan.
Sahabat akan menolong kita, di setiap masalah kita.
Sahabat akan peduli terhadap kehidupan kita, dan mengerti isi hati kita.
Itulah sosok seorang sahabat.
Sahabat yang setia.
Sahabat yang rela berkorban buat kita.
Sahabat sejati . . .
Sahabat bagaikan sosok seorang ayah, yang selalu melindungi kita.
Seperti ibu, yang dapat mengerti perasaan kita.
Kakak, yang memberi kita banyak nasihat.
Adik, yang membuat kita selalu tersenyum.
Kita harus percaya,
Bahwa hadirnya sahabat dalam kehidupan kita, bukan sebuah kebetulan.
Mereka adalah seorang yang kita butuhkan.
Hargailah sahabat kita ...
Karena ,
Seorang teman hanya bisa mengerti senyuman dan tawa kita.
Tetapi sahabat, ia dapat mengerti tanggisan air mata yang kita.
Ia akan menghapus tanggisan itu, dan digantinyakanlah dengan senyuman di wajah kita.
Seorang sahabat, bukan orang yang hanya dapat menguruskan masalahnya pribadi.
Ia, turut membantu kita dalam setiap masalah kita.
Tidak peduli ia mampu atau tidak, ia akan mencoba, tanpa mengeluh terlebih dahulu.
Setiap orang membutuhkan sahabat,
Karena tanpa kehadiran sahabat, kita hanya akan mempunyai teman.
Dan suatu saat, teman bisa meninggalkan kita begitu saja.
Dan siapa yang dapat menerima keluhan, kesedihan, dan kepahitan yang kita rasakan ????
Hanya seorang yang kita sebut .
Thanks to :
. Jesus Christ, udah jadi sahabat terbaik
. Buat yang udah ngasih g inspirasi
. Sahabat" g, you're the best guys ... [ Sekolah Dasar , Sekolah Menengah Pertama ]
Love ya all,
from NAOMI GABRIELLE ... (best friend of DANIEL CALVIN)
Ahli Matematika
cinta adalah suatu situasi di mana 1+1 bisa sama dengan 3,4,5 dan seterusnya...
Ahli Fisika
cinta adalah gaya tarik menarik antara dua manusia berlainan jenis (cowok & cewek) yang besarnya berbanding lurus dengan berat badan masing-masing dan berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak rumah keduanya.
Ahli Kimia
cinta terbentuk dari beberapa unsur yaitu P (pandangan), Se (senyuman), Li (lirikan), Be (belaian), Ra (rayuan & rabaan), Cu (ciuman), K (kecupan), yang kalau di reaksikan dalam ruangan remang-remang bisa menimbulkan ledakan dahsyat.
Ahli Kependudukan (Geografi)
cinta adalah penyebab leakan penduduk (yang lebih dahsyat dibandingkan ledakan nuklir).
Ahli Makanan
cinta adalah suatu situasi yang bisa membuat tai kucing serasa coklat.
Ahli Kesenian
cinta ibarat senar gitar, yang apabila sering di pakai kelak akan putus.
Ahli Olahraga
cinta harus di dahului dengan warming up, supaya tidak terkilir.
Ahli Psikologi
cinta di ibaratkan sebuah lilin, apabila menyala lama dia akan padam.Apabila di biarkan mati, maka dia tak kan punya manfaat apa-apa.
Ahli Musik
cinta bagaikan nada pada musik, terkadang enak di dengarkan, dan terkadang fals di dengarkan.
Ahli Gigi
cinta seperti sebuah gigi, yang kuat, bermanfaat, dan akan terasa sakit bila copot.
Ahli Tulang
cinta seperti sebuah tulang, yang selalu ada di diri kita dan akan terasa sakit bila patah.
happy birthday to google...
happy b'day to google ( http://google.com/ ) on 12 years old...
thx from me ...
you can make me easiest to browse .. all web'site...
thx from me ...
you can make me easiest to browse .. all web'site...
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